[Tfug] WD "green"

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 23 11:09:04 MST 2014

On 2/22/2014 12:32 AM, Bexley Hall wrote:

> Note that the *contents* have never been corrupted. Just the box
> as a whole behaves in a degraded fashion when the drive (was)
> installed.
> <frown>
> I'll let it run overnight and see if it's still "up" tomorrow.
> Previously, I couldn't get a full 24 hours of uptime without
> it hanging (unresponsive)

Well, I had it "busy" for ~30 hours continuously transferring
the entire contents of the drive (~410GB) to another box (that
was busy comparing it to a "backup image") and it didn't hiccup
in that entire interval.  Let it sit for ~6 hours to see if it
would decide to spin down the single drive (it didn't appear
to) and then "struggle" with the idea of spinning it back up,

So, as a single drive box (or, as a box without THAT drive in it),
it seems to run OK.

I'll move the (working) drive to the "other" slot to verify that
there isn't something associated with that slot that is responsible
for the "bad" drive's behavior (perhaps it has poorer thermal
characteristics) and repeat the exercise.

Then, install a replacement drive (so the box, once again, has two
drives) and make a final pass at it.

Kind of a waste of time (an "intellectual exercise", so to speak)
as the box is headed to the scrap pile (along with the other
NAS's once I come up with a repeatable replacement solution).

[I probably should also try the "bad" drive in a different environment
to verify that it *really* "doesn't work"]


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