[Tfug] Version Control

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 28 12:46:05 MST 2013

Hi Yan,

On 3/27/2013 8:13 PM, Yan wrote:
> Also, I was wrong before: git does ship with built-in GUI tools, git-gui (
> http://git-scm.com/docs/git-gui) and gitk (http://git-scm.com/docs/gitk),
> written by the git project.

Thanks!  So, are you nominating this/these as the "official"
candidate(s) that I should use to represent git in my comparison?

I don't want to hear folks grumbling later if I point out bugs
in the implementation with caveats like:  "Well, of *course* there
are bugs!  That was -CURRENT that you tested.  You SHOULD HAVE
used XXX instead!"

And I'm sure not keen on entrusting my codebase to something in the
*hope* that bugs get fixed -- and don't corrupt the codebase in the
meantime!  (treat this as a 10 year investment decision -- I won't
be changing VCS's again!)

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