[Tfug] Slightly OT: Weird home networking issue

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 22 16:42:29 MST 2013

Hi Eric,

On 2/22/2013 4:28 PM, Eric Vorrie wrote:
> Good Lord folks, we know it's the router.  He's getting it replaced.  Let's
> not put on our "M.I.T. Hats" and dissect this further....

Don't you want to *know* what the problem is?  Do *you* simply replace
EVERYTHING that you don't understand?  I'd be really miffed if I bought
a new TV/computer/monitor/etc. only to discover there was a problem
with a *connector* (or, worse yet, a configurable *setting*!)

(I guess you can rationalize that it's CenturyLink's dime so why

YMMV, of course.

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