[Tfug] TFUG List administrativa

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 5 13:12:56 MST 2013

Hi Zack,

On 2/4/2013 6:08 PM, Zack Williams wrote:
> Is getting on this list fully automated, or does each person who
> attempts to join have to be approved by an admin?
> I just had someone tell me that they tried to join in the last few
> weeks but they weren't able to.

The list appears to be managed by something akin to Majordomo.
Typically, subscriptions are automatic or "semi-automatic".  If
the subscription failed, I'd look elsewhere for reason...

Where, specifically, in the subscription process did this fail?

They should have received an email confirming their subscription
*request*.  This email would then have to be acknowledged to
actually complete the subscription.

To do so, they would have either replied to the email
*or* visited a specific HTTP URL
*or* sent another (specific) message to the -request address.

There is at least one bug in the script that manages this
(as I reported previously) -- so it is likely there are others.

Query the potential subscriber to see where he/she got in the
process for a better idea of what's gone wrong.  I.e., if they
never received the subscription request confirmation, I'd wonder
if they have a mail filter that's in the way.  OTOH, if they
acknowledged this "request confirmation", I would suspect another
bug or they didn't *exactly* do what was required.


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