[Tfug] CMP *in* ductwork?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 11 01:03:42 MST 2012

Hi Will,

--- On Tue, 9/11/12, William Stott <will at stottland.net> wrote:

> CMP in ductwork? I'm sorry, but I hope this isn't your only option.
> This is a bad idea, and violates codes (not all). I can look up the
> exact codes if you want, but really, just go a different route if 
> at all possible.

I scoured the code and couldn't find anything that imposed
*different* restrictions on CMP in "air handling spaces" vs.
*ductwork*.  But, I'm looking at an old code book -- I'll
have to make a run to the library tomorrow.

I'll probably either run the cables (CMR) down the *outside*
of the ductwork *or* omit them, entirely (see my reply to
Harry).  Though it would be good to know if there are tighter
constraints on "in ductwork" vs. in "air-handling plenums"!


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