[Tfug] Providers?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 19 14:14:44 MST 2012

Hi Steve,

On 11/18/2012 2:24 PM, steve peterson wrote:
> I would look into wipower. offered through trico elect which is offered in
> our area. they offer a wireless option at 7mb down/1.5 mb up speeds. cost

Is this similar to the "EarthLink" (sp?) service?  Rooftop antenna
(pointed "somewhere" off in the distance).  I recall a previous
neighbor had such a service (no idea what he thought of it, though)

> is about 85 month. you can also get voip with them if you want but not a
> requirement. have heard they also do some residential in city limits. if
> you can see the antennas atop tucson mountains you should be just fine with

"Tucson Mountains" is the collection of antennae ~NE of town?
(sorry, I know there are different mountain ranges surrounding
town but have never learned which is which... much easier in
Colorado!  ;-) )

> the connection. basically consider it as a line of sight microwave shot.

So, how prone to interference?  E.g., our DTV reception suffers
each time it rains.  There are perhaps *two* large trees in the
neighborhood and, of course, they are located in the path from
our antenna to the mountain top!  <frown>  (We are NE so its
a relatively steep angle from us to the antenna site -- very
little in the LoS *except* said trees!!  :-/ )

Thanks, I'll go a-googling.


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