[Tfug] Patch panels

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 03:09:59 MST 2012

Hi Adrian,

--- On Tue, 8/28/12, Adrian <choprboy at dakotacom.net> wrote:

> Oops.. there was one other option I forgot about... You can also
> go the "M66 Eliminator" route. There are a couple companies (Gruber
> up in Phoenix being  one of them) that sell a punchdown block that
> mounts like a 66 punchdown block, but has RJ45 jacks on the front
> instead of terminals.

Yeah, I have a 12 (or maybe 16?) port version of this.  Snaps into
the "standard" punchdown block "holder".  But, that's still pretty
"tall" (stands away from the wall).

> I've used them in a couple jobs, makes for an easy, relatively
> low-depth install on a wall.  Not something that is impact friendly
> but fits in well on walls with other telco equipment.

Yeah, works *fine* -- if you've already got punchdown blocks in
place (i.e., *commercial* install)  :<

I mounted my blocks (for PSTN) directly to a 1x12 so the whole
*wired* assembly is less than two inches "thick".  I have some
metal boxes (10"x10"x1.5") that *hang* over these to hide
them (keep the wiring from being exposed).  I used a similar
approach to "hide" my HVAC (furnace, ACbrrr, swamp cooler),
landscape lighting, doorbell, garage door opener, etc. controllers.
Makes it relatively easy to access things -- yet hides all the
works when it isn't necessary to expose them!


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