[Tfug] right way to clone in linux

Zack Williams zdwzdw at gmail.com
Wed May 18 23:19:10 MST 2011

> What's the 'right way' to clone a drive?  FreeBSD used dump/restore, I
> just tried that on my ubuntu box, and it failed massively...(well, ok,
> dump/restore seemed to proceed as per bsd, but the new disk isn't
> bootable, so I assume I have to at minimum perform some grub magik, or
> something).

I'd probably clone the partition table on the new disk, dd over the
boot blocks then use rsync for the actual data.

Or, if you're mainly concerned about the configuration and installed
programs, you'd use either the package manager or a config management
system like puppet to do this.

- Zack

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