[Tfug] Need a mail app for LARGE volumes of mail...

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Sun Sep 19 23:49:31 MST 2010

On 19 Sep 2010, Jim March wrote:
> Well then Thunderbird is out.
> This is election season, I can't be messing around with 
> building an IMAP server right now.
> Sigh.

I hear Dovecot is super easy to configure. And I know that 
fetchmail is easy to configure as well. If someone on the list 
has some rc files they would share with you, it might only take 
you an hour or two to configure it all.

I am using Gmail, with offlineimap to synchronize all emails to a 
local maildir, and then use mutt to read my email. But mutt 
doesn't have a GUI. Though it does know how to launch external 
programs via MIME types. The only difficulty I have had in this 
area, is that html email content that references attachments, 
does not render the attachments in the browser (this is a path 
issue) when I launch the browser to view it. But the attachments 
are still there and accessible.

But I do not know how well offlineimap will handle the amount of 
data you are talking about.


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