[Tfug] learning Drupal

Zack Williams zdwzdw at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 13:28:08 MST 2010

> With regard to O'Reilly, you've been lucky.  Ten years ago I would
> have agreed with you but over the past 5-7 years or so, O'Reilly's
> quality control has really decline.  It seems clear (to me at least)
> that this is a consequence of their rapid expansion into new domains
> (including but not limited to Windows and Apple) and increased
> competition from other publishers.  This isn't to say that O'Reilly
> doesn't still publish a number of gems but at this point it's no
> longer a matter of "Interested in learning $TECHNOLOGY? Buy the
> O'Reilly title."

You do need to pick and choose - some of their books are definitely
lackluster, or either are out of date with no plans for new versions,
or have new versions that cut back on content from previous editions.

They do have the best ebook policy in the industry - multiple formats,
all unencumbered, and if you own the paper copy of a book, the ebook
is $5 more off their site.

- Zack

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