[Tfug] [rick at linuxmafia.com: [BALUG-Talk] Linuxcare is back]

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Tue May 18 12:02:24 MST 2010

If you remember Linuxcare, you might be interested to hear that it's

----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> -----

From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 23:40:05 -0700
Subject: [BALUG-Talk] Linuxcare is back
To: "To:balug-talk"@lists.balug.org

Art Tyde's creations have included two things near and dear to many of
us:  Bay Area Linux User Group and Linuxcare, Inc.  Linuxcare fell on
hard times and vanished some years ago, but is not forgotten.  But
recently a remarkable thing happened:  Art reacquired the rights, and 
has relaunched the company.


  As Tyde told me, "A few years ago I bought the assets of Linuxcare;
  it seemed like a shame to let the Linuxcare vision rot away in some file
  cabinet in the dungeons beneath Silicon Valley Bank. At the time it was
  more the sentimental move of an ex-founder then anything else. Some good
  friends of mine however (a few even with the original LC crew) wanted to
  take a run at restarting it as a service, not support play." So it is
  that Linuxcare has been reborn.

  This time around, instead of offering general-purpose Linux and
  open-source software support, Linuxcare is all about providing
  affordable services for companies migrating to open-source cloud
  computing. The business plan is that since the advantage of the cloud is
  the ability to buy just enough computing resources for your needs, and
  expand or shrink those resources as needed. Linuxcare is offering
  technical services with the same model: Businesses will buy only the
  service they need as they need them.

Welcome back, Linuxcare!

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