[Tfug] [Way OT] Local source of bulk popcorn

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 16 12:40:23 MST 2010


We eat a *lot* of popcorn.  Our supplier (in feenigs) no longer
carries our preferred brand of seed (crop failure?).  :<  So,
we, once again, have to look for a local source.

I am aware of Uncle Bob's's (how do you write a possessive of
a possessive?  :> ) and Kernel Pops's products.  Other than
that, I think every other local supplier peddles *popped*
corn.  :<

Costco seems like they *might* carry Orville Reddenbacher (sp?)
in small (8 lb) containers -- though I don't see any in stock.
No idea what Sam's Club carries (we don't have a membership as
they are clear across town from us).

Any other places that we might try?  Else we'll probably have to
have it shipped in from Nebraska or someplace similar.  :<



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