[Tfug] Linux backup

christopher floess skeptikos at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 10:50:06 MST 2010

On 04/19/2010 05:46 PM, Paul Steinbach wrote:
> Also recommend rsync.  Easy to script, throttle bandwidth of backups, 
> manipulate originals vs copies.
Yeah, but there is a learning curve there. Right now is just one of the 
few times where I just want something quick and easy. I've recently 
decided that backups are important, and I was doing them for a while, 
but like I said, flyback stopped working. I know that the argument can 
be made that the time I'm spending looking for an alternative fix could 
be used to learn a good fix like rsync, but my brain is exhausted ATM 
(internship in another country, last semester of school, etc.), so yeah, 
so far nothing quick and easy has turned up.

The suggestions so far haven't been bad, but for instance, backuppc 
wasn't officially supported by my distro and suddenly I was looking at 
adding so many dependencies that I decided it wasn't the best route. 
Some of the other suggestions have also been okay, but they just haven't 
worked out for one reason or another.

I think for the moment, I just need to hope that my HD doesn't crash 
:s....which of course means that it will crash tomorrow morning :)

Anyway, I'll report back if I find something really great. Thanks for 
the suggestion.

-- Chris

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