[Tfug] OT: Dumping Comcast TV. Dish or Direct?

John Karns johnkarns at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 17:18:38 MST 2009

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Bexley Hall <bexley401 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> But, yes, your point is well made.  Corporations are *supposed*
> to be "like people" -- except without the right to vote.
> Yet, they often get laws "bent" in ways that make them unfair.
> E.g., I think copyrights used to need to be "renewed" every
> 28 (?) years.  For living entities, this puts an upper bound
> on just how long you can realistically *hold* a copyright.
> Now, I think it is more like 50 years after author's death
> (for corporate holdings -- which covers much of the material
> that would *want* copyright protection -- I think it is a
> fixed 75 years).

Yes, according to wikipedia anyway, it was 28 years.  My understanding
is that Disney has been the entity driving the extensions.  Just as
the copyright term on Mickey Mouse nears expiration, they get a
Congressperson to introduce an extension.


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