[Tfug] code camp

Andrew Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Thu Jun 11 12:41:11 MST 2009

Bexley Hall wrote:
>>> Yikes!  Never ceases to amaze me how casually people deal
>>> with a 2+ hour drive!  ;-)  I guess it's a "cultural" thing...
>> Well or a "bored outta my mind wouldn't mind a roadtrip and
>> go geek out" thing
> I guess it;s no worse than flying 1,000 miles for a concert -- and
> then flying back immediately thereafter.  :-/

My cousin recently got up at 3am in the UK, flew to Rome for Manchester 
United v Barcelona, watched the game, then flew back to the UK. Returned 
at 5am the next day.

Not something I would do...


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