[Tfug] Installing Ruby (was: Mailman privacy alert)

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Tue Jun 9 14:26:33 MST 2009

On Tue Jun 09, 2009 at 02:09:01PM -0700, Liz_Ravenwood at beaerospace.com wrote:
> and while I'm at it.  I downloaded Ruby.  The doc says that all 
> I have to do is "compile it" 
> How the hell do I do that?  I am  a truuuueee  beginner.

I think you said at Happy Hour that you are still running 
Windows, right? If you are trying to install on Windows, you can 
download the Ruby One-Click-Installer. It too is available on the 
Ruby download page, but you have to scroll down below the "Ruby 
Source Code" section to the "Ruby on Windows" section.



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