[Tfug] iPodShuffle

Charles R. Kiss charles at kissbrothers.com
Tue Jan 6 17:27:10 MST 2009

xmms /mnt/test/iPod_Control/Music/f02/test.mp3 passed

Supposedly, I cp'd test.mp3 to the iPodShuffle, as it does play via the 
commandline and a linux app; but apparently not from the iPodShuffle 
play button unless it's cat'd onto the end of an existing file.

I definitely, unplugged, turned-off, unmounted in various combinations, 
before the test passed -so apparently it /is/ there on the iPod.

Mounting was never an issue, but chmod doesn't seem to allow write 
permissions, nor does ls -l indicate write permissions - even though I 
was able to write.

The gtkpod complained about not having a library, I suppose I need to 
recompile with the libmp4v2-etc.

Thanks for your help.


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