[Tfug] linux to windows web host

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 29 18:18:05 MST 2009

Hi Glen,

> > Why PHP?  If they like windows why not dot net or ASP?
> He has >100K LOC that runs on Linux. I hope you are not
> suggesting that the most efficient means of running it under 
> Windows is to port it.

It is unclear as to the OP's boss's intent.  *If* he wants
to "eliminate a dependancy" (i.e., on the OP!), then this
may, in fact, be the right solution (for the employer).

In which case, I would tell the employer how long it is going to
take and then set about doing *exactly* that.  You want Windows?
This is what windows *costs*!

(and, wait until you upgrade to W7 and find yourself redoing a
sizable portion of this work...  :> )

IME, it is better to give the employer (client) what he wants
than to fight semi-religious battles over right vs. wrong.
That way, the decision -- and its consequences -- *belong* to
the employer.  (else you set yourself up for the blame when/if
something goes wrong "because we did it YOUR way"...)


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