[Tfug] OS written in Assembly

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 20 12:35:14 MST 2009

Hi Judd,

> But I think you are trying to make my answer too
> exact. There were a lot of vagueries in my answer as well as

Sorry, I should learn to use the personal pronoun "one"
(instead of "you") more often.  :<  (but, that tends to
sound pretentious).

> in my example. I could delve into answering all of your
> points, but really that isn't the point here. It is just
> that there is definitely potential for this OS for
> applications. With no ISO standard certification or testing
> results showing there are no guarantees to anything
> presented on the products site. 

My point was that the site doesn't give *any* details.
Like, "Hey, I wrote this.  Here's the source.  Maybe someone
can make use of it...".  I.e., a case of lots of missing
design documents (which, to The Cynic in me, smells of an
"ad hoc" design process)
> I have been around PLCs for long enough to know that
> getting the right tools for the right job is half the
> battle. Just nice to know there is more tools out there to
> find the right jobs for. 


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