[Tfug] Gates-Rockefeller eugenics projects

eric christian ericdanc at alice-dsl.net
Sat Sep 13 03:14:10 MST 2008

Paul Scott schrieb:
> I can buy a lot of the above but can you document the following:
>> Another big eugenicist is Barbara Marx Hubbard.
> When I google barbara marx hubbard eugenics I get what looks like a hit
> piece by some sort of fundamentalist group.  When I just google her name
> I get positive stuff.
I can find positive stuff on Margaret Sanger. Does this mean that you 
can sheep dip her? Heck, I can find positive stuff on Hitler too. In the 
interview with Mike Wallace, Sanger even seems nice.

Hubbard is represented in various ways, of course, since she's an 
influential person in the US, even a "successor" of Buckminster Fuller 
(hmmm, that puts him in another light too).Wasn't she thought of as a 
possible vice-pres for some one?
Anyway the Revelation 8:3 for eugenics comes directly from Hubbard.


Just google "<person's name> eugenics"...

> There is a difference between knowing that a lot of humans just don't
> "get it" and actually doing what Monsanto and Dow and others are doing
> to exterminate those who don't get it.
It's all smoke and mirrors. Capt Morgan wanted to expose Pike's stuff 
and his "widow" became one of Joseph Smith's wives. Just like that? No, 
the Mormans,Jehova's witnesses, the Unitarian Church etc are all fronts.

the Unitarians call themselves Illuminati, so I guess they are.


Carnegie, for example, considered himself of another species as other 
humans. Once upon a time i had a girl freind from Long Island who was of 
the Morgan family. I got to know just a little how these people think of 
us.This is not a secret or occult. It's just not on CBS, CNN,NY Times 
etc since they control all that, Adam Weishaupt's method of controlling 
public opinion. He did it in his time with controlling libraries, 
reading circles and the like. But, these people say what they want and 
what they're going to to. They've even written it in stone outside of 
Atlanta in their stonhenge there.

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