[Tfug] OT A word of thanks

Matthew T. Eskes meskes at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 22:40:40 MST 2008

I am writing this email in regards of one that I had sent out a while back
asking fellow list members if they had any leads for some work. I would like
to thanks those of you who had replied to me with the leads for places like
TMC and such. I greatly appreciate it. However there were also some on the
list that were in the hiring positions that emailed as well and I have to
say that I am a little disappointed. While some of them called me in for an
interview they did not have the decency to call me back or mail me a "you
suck" letter as I like to call them, telling me that I wasn't hired on for
whatever reason. I remember a time, not that long ago where people had more
integrity to TELL YOU TO YOUR FACE that a prospect didn't have a skill that
they were looking for or for whatever reason, they just really didn't fit
whatever wants (looks, goals, what have you) that the company in a whole was
have been looking for someone to hire me for the last 7 months, I don't have
the time to be teased with the thought and hope ACTUALLY having some local
work. My advice for you, and you guys know who you are, is to start thinking
about the prospective employee, the employees and your bottom line if you
would like to start having a better reputation. I have OWNED my own
business, and had the SAME hiring responsibilities as you folks and I have
come to learn that in order to have a prosperous and successful business,
you have to build a reputation as being good to your prospective employees
so that when they ARE NEEDED they will come back and hopefully become a part
of your business family. You guys and business practices disgust me.


-- The Founding Fathers struggled for the principle that man could and
should be trusted with his own destiny. Our current /domestic/ enemies,
against whom those Americans in uniform are sworn to defend, do not believe
in this principle, but we have again won a round in the endless fight
against them.
   -- Jeff Cooper on the assault weapons ban ending 

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