[Tfug] 2 weeks of Hackintosh fun..

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Mon Nov 10 00:17:25 MST 2008

On Sun, Nov 09, 2008 at 08:20:44PM -0800, Bexley Hall wrote:
> And, that ignores the fact that the hardware vendor may not have
> released a driver for their device on "platform X".  Of course,
> that's a chicken/egg situation... until "platform X" becomes
> ubiquitous, vendors don't want to invest money chasing releases.

Just because you and others keep saying it over and over again doesn't
make it true.  See
and scroll down to "The Linux Driver Myth."

Here's the teaser and take-home message, all wrapped in one:

  Back in 2006 I gave a talk at the Ottawa Linux Symposium about a
  number of myths that are around the Linux kernel. One of them was
  device and driver support. I stated then, and still do that:

      Linux supports more different types of devices than any other
      operating system ever has in the history of computing.

  Later on, a representative from Microsoft validated this statement
  saying that their research agreed with it, so this is not an
  unproven statement.


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