[Tfug] 2 weeks of Hackintosh fun..

Jim Secan jim at nwra.com
Sat Nov 8 17:19:07 MST 2008

Windoze gets its share of mention in these discussions and it's certainly
not free.

That cheap shot aside, I think this is on-topic and the points being made
I agree with completely.  I've been using OS X for the past two years, and
I have given up on the Linux desktop for many of the reasons Bowie has
mentioned.  As he has also pointed out, Linux is still the OS-of-choice
for non-desktop activities, and I suspect I'll always have one or more
Linux boxes working for me doing heavy lifting work, server work, and
working as data-collection platforms.  I will interface with them,
however, through a Mac (here Bowie and I differ) running OS X.  As a
computer user, not tinkerer, this gives me the best of all worlds.  The
fact that Bowie, I, and lots of other ex-Linuxers, are switching to OS X
for their desktop says a lot about Linux and it's failure to provide a
quality desktop interface.

I do not see this as a condemnation of Linux, just a statement that it's a
great hammer and a lousy screwdriver.  I also know, and use, a number of
different computer languages for the same reason - use the best tool
available for the job at hand.


Shawn Nock wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Eric M. Gearhart wrote:
>> Chris - OS X is still UNIX though! Under the hood of OS X beats Darwin,
>> a FreeBSD like userland...
> I believe the point Chris was trying to make (and one I agree with). Is
> that this is the Tucson *FREE* Unix Group.
> If it were Darwin that were being discussed that would be a different
> story... Liking an operating system is a fine thing, that doesn't make
> this thread on-topic.
> Shawn
> - --
> Shawn Nock (OpenPGP: 0x4E549994)
> nock at fastmail dot fm
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> =Vijm
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