[Tfug] net

Rich r-lists at studiosprocket.com
Sun May 11 18:56:46 MST 2008

On May 10, 2008, at 9:08 pm, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:

> Nope, just wasn't aware of /sbin/ifconfig. Just typing 'ifconfig' as a
> non-privileged user yeilds 'ifconfig: command not found'.

Okay, quick tutorial: "command not found" only ever means the command  
wasn't in your path. So an "updatedb" as root, then normal user  
"locate <command>".

And then there's the maxim: Never run as root commands which can be  
run as a regular user.

> Too much work. My brain can parse the output faster than I can
> write anything like that. Granted, if I needed it for something
> then I'd wrap that in a script. But generally speaking, the
> standard output works fine for me.

You're welcome.

I guess it's the role of the few to benefit the many...


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