[Tfug] WorldCare "Yard Sale"

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 22 08:49:17 MST 2008

--- "Bowie J. Poag" <bpoag at comcast.net> wrote:

> It's disappointing and lame. I wouldn't bother.

If you are caught up in the "gotta have the latest
and greatest" rut, it is *not* the place for you!
We rarely see anything faster than a dual-core
2GHz machine come through.  (though I am trying to
convince a buddy to donate the 18 3GHz machines that
he is no longer using in his business)

OTOH, there are 1.8GHz machines in the store for $89.
I think a *pair* of 4x900MHz machines (each with
a dozen 18G SCA drives) were just sold for $100.

IMO, the best deal are laser printers which can often
be purchased for the price of the toner cartridge.
When you compare this to $25 little inkjet cartridges
that dry out, print slowly, etc. it's a no-brainer.
(unless you like lots of pretty colors)

<shrug>  We don't have the resources to make much of
what comes in available for sale to the public.  So,
the items that tend to get sold are those that the
folks who visit the facility *buy*.  Or, that folks
who have invested some time developing relationships
with the organization can capitalize on.  E.g.,
there are several people that we regularly put things
aside for -- because we *know* they'll show up and
purchase them.  For "window shoppers", you would
probably be disappointed -- buy your "candy" at the
more conventional outlets  :>

Having spent in excess of six figures of *my* money
on hardware and software over the years, I wish I
had access to a resource like this!  Unfortunately,
about the closest thing was Hefron's and their items
were a bit to exotic for most use (unless you wanted
something like an -8i to use as a coffee table  :> )

> Michael Gatto wrote:
> > Where is this place?! I keep hearing about it, yet
> don't know how to get there.
> >
> > - Mike Gatto

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