[Tfug] Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 reference material.

Angus Scott-Fleming angussf at geoapps.com
Sat Mar 15 20:45:13 MST 2008

On 15 Mar 2008 at 14:28, Rich  wrote:

> Don't forget Centos is a de-branded free clone of RHEL Linux, as is  
> Scientific Linux.
> This could prove useful: http://www.howtoforge.com/centos-5.1-server- 
> lamp-email-dns-ftp-ispconfig
> I'm aware you don't need everything in the walkthrough, so ... skip  
> it :-)

Here's another similar tutorial:

  Virtual Hosting Howto With Virtualmin On CentOS 5.1 
  HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
    "This tutorial shows how to set up a CentOS 5.x server to offer all 
    services needed by virtual web hosters. These include web hosting, smtp 
    server with (SMTP-AUTH and TLS, SPF, DKIM, Domainkeys), DNS, FTP, MySQL, 
    POP3/IMAP, Firewall, Webalizer for stats."  

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona

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