[Tfug] External PATA enclosures

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 31 14:41:34 MST 2008


A couple of years ago, I picked up a (noname) "LAN Server"
external PATA USB2/NAS box.  Aside from the fact that it
was obviously cranked out of some taiwanese/chinese
electronics mill (bad documentation, little support, etc.)
I have been pretty pleased with it (case is heavy aluminum
and acts as a heatsink for the drive thereby reducing
the need for forced air cooling; 10/100 NIC; USB2; *and*
the case actually uses brass inserts instead of threading
screws into plastic -- which always sucks if you are the
type that disassemblies often  :> )

Case can only hold up to a 400G drive, IIRC (what's that,
LBA26?  :-/ ) but I am averse to putting lots on one
spindle so that suits me fine (I'd rather have a couple of
these that I could use as "disk cartidges" instead of leaving
them on-line)

Any pointers to something similar (and cheap)?  I think this
was only $30 or $40 a few years ago (I will have to look
through old tax records to sort that out).  I've not been
able to find a vendor for this particular unit (as is often
the case with these no-name devices  :< )



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