[Tfug] LCD's revisited

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 12 13:31:35 MST 2008


I finally had some time *and* an unsalvageable
LCD monitor that I didn't have to worry about
"damaging"... :>  So, I disassembled it

Previously, I had inquired as to the cause of
"smudges" *in* LCD monitors (i.e., damages to
the display itself).

It appears that this is caused by the "glass"
being deformed from mechanical stress.  I guess
things pushing/rubbing on it aggressively.  As
such, there is no real remedy  :<

Note that this was based on a monitor with a
"hard" glass display -- I have no idea how the
"Stargate SG1" style monitors develop this
failure (I'll have to play with one of those
when I get the opportunity).

Just as an FYI...



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