[Tfug] ... and, yet another, optics question! ;-)

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 24 11:28:31 MST 2008

Hi, John,

--- On Sat, 8/23/08, johngalt1 <johngalt1 at uswest.net> wrote:


> When I worked in electonics manufacture they used "Luxo 
> lamps" for larger assmebly. This was a 4-5 inch approx
> diameter glass lens in the middle of a circular fluorescent
> lamp. For smaller stuff, (surface mount devices, etc) 2-10x
> binocular microscopes were used.

Yes.  Unfortunately, I don't have a regular work area set
up (indoors!) where I could mount the lamp.  (they are *big*
and want to clamp onto a desktop -- instead of *sit* on
a desktop).

I also have a small inspection microscope but it is *so*
small that it makes working with "typical" size boards
difficult (it was intended for inspecting "hybrid" circuits...
roughly the size of a large postage stamp)

> The bonus here, is these items distance your face from the 
> work to be done (and the fumes). After the fumes hit the 
> magnifying thing between the work and your face, a small fan 
> can be placed to disperse or exhaust the fumes. This can 
> mitigate the fan sinking your soldering iron heat.

You can also buy lamps with the fans built in.  But, that
just makes it even more of a "fixture" (i.e., hard to just
set on a desk)

> For the Luxo lamp, the working part of the whole assembly 
> was 8-9 inches in diameter so a fan might not be necessary.
> Usually the lens was positioned at an angle so fumes would 
> hit the assembly and get plowed out of the way.
> Another bonus is these magnifiers are table mounted, so you
> don't need three hands.

<grin>  Yup.  Though I have become surprisingly adept at
holding magnifying glass, soldapult, soldering iron and
solder/wick at the same time!  Of course, you have to set
a paperweight on the "work" lest you end up pushing the
damn thing all around your tabletop while you're trying to
work on it!  :<

> You might find these sorts of things at Southwest Liqudators 
> or UofA Surplus.

There is one collecting dust at WC.  But, as I said, I don't
have a convenient place to "install" it.  :<  I've been hoping
for something small that I could carry with me and/or stash
in a desk drawer when not needed.


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