[Tfug] Video Kiosk

George Cohn gwcohn at simplybits.net
Thu Sep 27 14:58:42 MST 2007

Sean Warburton wrote:
> One more thing:Bexley mentioned donated parts. Why not get a bare bones
> system? They save unbelievable amounts of money. I could get you a quad core
> Intel chip, a decent motherboard, two gigs of DDR2 800 MHz RAM, and a tera
> SATA2 hard rive and DVD burner for like 700 bucks. That system would almost
> kick butt, except you wouldn't have those essential $650 video cards or a
> liquid cooling system yet:)
>      Sean

Actually the machine doesn't need to be that sophisticated.  A decent 
AMD or Intel motherboard, a dvd drive, maybe a 120 gig hard drive if 
they want to store the videos on the HD, a gig of memory and a video 
card with an S-video out jack on it.

Video and audio would be fed into a modulator and placed on an unused
TV channel on their TV distribution system.

I have a couple of unused machines lying around here that fit that 
description so I may try hacking something together.  I was suggesting 
Linux because I know that a lot better than Windows!

Basically I'm just looking for a video player that is programmable for 
the start times for the videos.  The fallback to a slide show between 
videos would be icing on the cake but not required.  It would probably 
only need the programming schedule changed a couple of times a year so a 
manually edited text file would work.

I also have a KnoppMyth server so that might be a starting point.

George Cohn

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