[Tfug] Sane backends

Predrag Punosevac punosevac72 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 16:20:36 MST 2007

I assume that you checked sane web site and that your scanner is  

Since I am a FreeBSD guy I do this from the comand line.

Step 1
Plug your scanner and reboot. (hot plug in usually doesn't work for  
printers and scanners at least not the first time)

On FreeBSD I would usually adjust permissions before I reboot by editing  
/etc/devfs.conf file
with perm    /dev/uscanner0 0666 so that I can use scanner as a normal  
This file /etc/devfs.conf is FreeBSD specific file(OpenBSD) doesn't have  
it for instance. You can check
ls -l /dev/uscanner0 to check the permissions and if it is not something  
like rwx-rw-rw you should
do chmod 0666 /dev/uscanner0. This is probably ok in ubuntu

Type sane-find-scanner as a normal user.
Your scanner should be detected. Inspect the output

Step3 Type scanimage --test
You scanner should react and give you output something like this

[pedja@ /usr/home/Pedja]$ scanimage --test
[snapscan] Scanner warming up - waiting 8 seconds.
[snapscan] Scanner warming up - waiting 36 seconds.
scanimage: scanning image of size 2552x3507 pixels at 24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame, 8 bits/sample
scanimage: reading one scanline, 7656 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: reading one byte...          PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 2 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 4 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 8 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 16 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 32 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 64 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 128 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 256 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 512 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 1024 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 2048 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 4096 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 8192 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 8191 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 4095 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 2047 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 1023 bytes...  PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 511 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 255 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 127 bytes...   PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 63 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 31 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 15 bytes...    PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 7 bytes...     PASS
scanimage: stepped read, 3 bytes...     PASS

Step4 It is possible that at this point scanner will complain that it  
needs firmware (manufacture binaries)
Many scanneres do need them. Read how to create them from Winblows driver  
that came with your scanner.
They should be put in
  /usr/local/share/sane/snapscan/your-firmwarefile.bin or what ever path  
you find in /usr/local/etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf probably
in the case of Ubuntu /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf as Linux is known to mix  
system /etc/ and applications /usr/local/etc
You should also inspect
/usr/local/etc/sane.d/cannon.conf file.
You scanner should be listed there if not add it based on the dmesg. Look  
previous lines for tamplets.

Step5 Something scanner conflicts with the printer. Plug and initiate  
scanner first and then printer.

Step6 If above fails that is probably due to the fact that Ubuntu kernel  
is messed up (well documented on various mailing lists).
So check their forums for work abounds if there is any.

Step 7 If above works. Try to scan from the Xsane GUI. It should work like  
a charm. Adjust Xsane at your taste using GUI. I usually
scan documents into pdf files so I really hate image formats that are set  
by default.

Let me know how it goes. I will be back home tonight at 9pm.


On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 15:27:14 -0700, andy <andyjones at cox.net> wrote:

> Thanks Predrag, here's what I've got, maybe you can see what I'm
> missing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> HP DV2000 notebook, dual core intel, 2 gig Ram, Ubuntu Feisty
> Included in the Ubuntu install was XSane the graphical interface for
> Sane which detects my Canon N650U scanner fine and shows the
> Plustek:libusb:001:006 backend. Everything looks good at this point, the
> application starts and appears to be normal, but when I try to acquire a
> preview or scan nothing happens, no lights, no motors, nothing, it
> simply times out and cancels.
> The fact that there are no apparent errors is what really has me
> stumped.
> Andy
> On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 23:28 -0700, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
>> Yes,
>> I do have some experience (my Epson scanner works flawlessly on FreeBSD)
>> but I am not a professional sys admin if that was the question.
>> By the way printing and scanning are identical on Linux and FreeBSD so I
>> probably could help.
>> Predrag
>> On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 22:25:23 -0700, andy <andyjones at cox.net> wrote:
>> > Has anyone had any experience with SANE or know how to setup the SANE
>> > backend for scanners?
>> >
>> > Andy
>> >
>> >
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