[Tfug] Correctly replying to messages in digest mode

Robert Hunter hunter at tfug.org
Fri Oct 5 08:43:51 MST 2007

On 10/5/07, Claude Rubinson <rubinson at u.arizona.edu> wrote:
> But if you're receiving the digest version of the list, it's going to
> have a different Message-ID than the original, individual message.
> Therefore, even if you have a proper mailer, threading won't work.  I
> believe that the only solution would be to subscribe to receive
> messages individually.
> Perhaps a acceptable solution would be subscribe to the individual
> messages but route all TFUG messages into a separate mailbox (via,
> e.g., procmail)?

Each message in the digest is labeled with the original Message-Id.  I
don't know if any MUAs allow you to reply to specific message contained
in a digest, but if your MUA allows you to manually edit the headers,
then you can achieve this.  I've considered writing a mutt extension to
do this, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone already has. :-)

> Perhaps a acceptable solution would be subscribe to the individual
> messages but route all TFUG messages into a separate mailbox (via,
> e.g., procmail)?

Aye, that's a good compromise; but there are possibly other reasons for
wanting to receive digest format.


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