[Tfug] Q: Should we Invite the Governor to Attend Our Meetings?

Felix Tilley fetilley at earthlink.net
Fri May 25 18:48:38 MST 2007

Should we invite the governor of Arizona to attend our Thursday 
meetings?  I do not know her email address.  It's probably something like

governor at arizona.gov   or

governor at az.gov

She has a reputation for being a micromanager who who does not permit 
any initiative on the part of her employees.  But we don't work for 
her.  She is supposed to be working for us.  And besides, most of you 
appear to be a bunch of copyright thieves and anarchists.

I doubt she is computer literate.

I leave this up to Claude.


PS:  Tell her Buddy's Grill is in the Crossroads Festival shopping 
center on the NE corner of Swan and Grant.

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