[Tfug] Microsoft reportedly wants open source software users to pa y rolyalties

Joe Blais joe.blais at pti-instruments.com
Thu May 17 08:01:27 MST 2007

> Software patents do seem odd to me. Software is more like writing, which
> is a copyright type art. I’m sure many will disagree on this next point:
> human minds process writing with learned tools. While a CPU processes
> machine code, which is not learned. Python, Java, dotNet are all p-code,
> which is a translation tool for the CPU. So when a computer does its
> thing to a Python script how different is that from the translations
> going on in my mind between character shapes/patterns and my other mind
> tools that end up as thoughts. I guess what I’m saying is a patent of
> the machine, thus the CPU, seems fine but not the flow of ideas though it.
> Patents are for ideas that can make or perform, for example an engine
> performs compression, combustion, and expansion to convert some heat
> into mechanical work.
> A computer processes binary instructions to perform a sort algorithm. At
> the moment a sort algorithm can be a patent. However things processed

I think a process can also be patented, for instance some new process to
recover copper from very low grade ore, or from waste materials.


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