[Tfug] Tfug] *Way* OT: Swamp c

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 20 17:52:56 MST 2007

--- Felix Tilley <fetilley at earthlink.net> wrote:

> > > 2.  Don't switch between swamp cooler and air
> conditioning in the same
> > > season, as this may rust your furnace.
> In most modern heating and cooling systems, the heat
> exchanger for the air conditioner is located above
> the furnace.  Humid air will condense and drip into
> the furnace, and rust it.  Your configuration may be
> different, and may not apply.

Most A-coils have condenstate traps designed
*deliberately* for this.  Unless you operate an AC
in a completely *dry* environment, the AC *will*
remove water from the air during its normal
operation.  That water has to go someplace.
So, the A-coil has provisions to route it out
of the HVAC system.  It either drains into a
sump, out a hole in the wall, or is pumped up
and out.

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