[Tfug] Tfug] *Way* OT: Swamp c

Felix Tilley fetilley at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 19 15:28:55 MST 2007

Message: 9 Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 10:42:09 -0700 From: "johngalt1" 
<johngalt1 at uswest.net> Subject: Re: [Tfug] Tfug] *Way* OT: Swamp 
coolers, ACbrrs, etc To: "Tucson Free Unix Group" <tfug at tfug.org> 
Message-ID: <002201c7b299$29d89a30$6405a8c0 at Fullcomputername> 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; 
reply-type=original ----- Original Message ----- From: "Felix Tilley" <> 
To: <tfug at tfug.org> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 11:38 PM Subject: Re: 
[Tfug] Tfug] *Way* OT: Swamp coolers, ACbrrs, etc

> > 2.  Don't switch between swamp cooler and air conditioning in the same
> > season, as this may rust your furnace.

This doesn't make sense to me. Please explain

> > 3.  Drain the swamp cooler when mosquito season starts.  And seal it
> > off.  West Nile virus isn't funny.  This is usually in August.

West Nile not funny, but the idea that mosquitos breed in swamp coolers is 
very funny. 


In most modern heating and cooling systems, the heat exchanger for the air conditioner is located above the furnace.  Humid air will condense and drip into the furnace, and rust it.  Your configuration may be different, and may not apply.

Mosquitoes can breed in swamp coolers.  And swamp coolers can suck them in from outside.  There are slits and holes in the excelsior.  Excelsior is not uniform.  It is very porous.  Even the plastic version is porous.

Don't use a swamp cooler after you hear of West Nile cases in Maricopa County.  They get hit before Pima County.  Look at all the standing pools and ponds in Maricopa County.  Mosquito heaven.

Felix in Tucson


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