[Tfug] How do I Interpret ICMP Probes?

Adrian choprboy at dakotacom.net
Sun Jun 17 03:14:18 MST 2007

On Saturday 16 June 2007 22:58, Felix Tilley wrote:
> How do I interpret ICMP probes?  I log them, but do not drop them.
> I cannot finf anything in the man pages that interprets they TYPES and 

ICMP is just another protocol like TCP or UDP. Type and code fields for ICMP 
are defined by the relevant RFCs, and similar to SYN/ACK or port numbers, the 
type/code exist to differentiate the ICMP packet purpose. The following is a 
pretty good list of ICMP types and codes for looking stuff up:


> May 31 18:30:41 -0700 SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP 
> TYPE=8 CODE=0 ID=512

So, as you expected, a type 8 ICMP packet is an echo request (ping). There are 
no defined codes for type 8. And yes... pings are often a fore-runner to 
attack probes and attempts, though by no means a distingusher of future 


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