[Tfug] [Fwd: Apply Now for UA Tech Board]

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Tue Jan 16 12:23:23 MST 2007

Obviously, this is restricted to UofA students.  But it seems like it
might be a great thing to have a voice from TFUG on this board...


----- Forwarded message from Vienna Marum <vienna at email.arizona.edu> -----
>Know a thing or two about technology?
>Want to influence the technology used at UA?
>Want a voice in the IT fees UA students pay?
>Join the UA Information Technology Student Advisory Board!
>More information and applications may be found at:
>Applications are due Thursday, January 18th at 11:59pm, and only take a few
>minutes to complete.  The time commitment is once a week until 
>Spring Break and
>twice a semester after-wards.
>(Note that the application deadline currently listed on the application
>web page has been extended.)
>For more information, contact Limell Lawson, at limell at arizona.edu.

----- End forwarded message -----

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