[Tfug] Religious crap

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 20 10:07:13 MST 2007

Have you ever thought of creating a website named TheWorldAccordingToBowie.com   ???

According to GoDaddy:


 With a few inbound links you could rise to the top of the search engines, syndicate your content and once and for all free yourself from that oppressive cooperate environment that obviously drives you to protect your self from their mind control with 32 layers of tin foil.  

"Bowie J. Poag" <bpoag at comcast.net> wrote: Adrian,

I have, at no point, worn a tube top.  I find your accusations as 
groundless as they are desperate. But, since this subject has 
re-emerged, I feel compelled to address it once again for your benefit, 
and for the benefit of others, so that we can all be clear on the 
reasons. I've found that information is the best way to fight igorance 
about my disability.

I confine my tube-top wearing to the workplace as part of my therapy to 
reduce my fear of furniture, and poorly-drawn depictions of ducks 
wearing hats. To my knowledge, none of my co-workers find my workplace 
tube-top wearing a distraction. Not a single person has approached me 
with any complaint. All they'd have to do is remove the 32 layers of 
tinfoil that cover the opening to my cubicle, and say the secret word to 
prove they are not aliens from the planet Buh. (The other ones are 
okay.. They're liars, and they spread rumors and misinformation about 
Unix. The Buhians I mean.) That's as clear and concise as I can make it 
because there is a secret invisible radio inside my other secret radio, 
which is inside another radio (but it's well known radio--not a secret 
radio) which is inside another secret radio, implanted in my right 
buttock . As you can see, I have a perfectly rational reason for wearing 
a tube tops at work.

Don't question me! I have a canteloupe!

Cheers,   ;)

Adrian wrote:
> On Friday 06 October 2006 11:40, Stephen Hooper wrote:
>>> Uh oh...  If too many people cancel their subscriptions, we'll start
>>> losing advertising dollars and then where will be?
>> How many subscriptions are there to this list?  I think it would be
>> kind of interesting to know.
> Jon would know the most recent count for sure, but at last count I believe it 
> was hovering at about 350... Mostly lurkers.
> TFUG Super-Duper-Triple-Secret: The cruel and merciless list administrators 
> deliberately start political/religous/off-topic/Bowie-tubetop flame-war 
> threads periodically in a subversive fashion... It the only way we know to 
> count how many people are on the list! ;)
> Adrian
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