[Tfug] duplicate ip address (off topic)

christopher floess skeptikos at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 17:51:46 MST 2007

So were you able to receive internet traffic on both machines?

On 2/8/07, lukkystarr at excite.com <lukkystarr at excite.com> wrote:
> You don't have to try build a network just to try that, I can do it for
> you.  I turned on the other computer after reading the first post, just
> cause I'm curious.  I couldn't tell you much though, just if there are any
> problems.  I know little about what the router really does, and how it logs
> the tables they are talking about.
> --- On Thu 02/08, christopher floess < skeptikos at gmail.com > wrote:
> From: christopher floess [mailto: skeptikos at gmail.com]
> To: tfug at tfug.org
> Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 12:10:24 -0700
> Subject: Re: [Tfug] duplicate ip address (off topic)
> Thanks everyone. Maybe I'll build a small network and try it. Just
> thoughtit might be interesting to knowOn 2/8/07, Shawn Nock <
> nock at email.arizona.edu> wrote:>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----> Hash:
> SHA1>> Tyler Kilian wrote:> > The MAC table is separate from the ARP
> table.  You wouldn't DoS a MAC> > table with an IP address conflict, you'd
> DoS it by filling up the MAC> > table with MACs, at which point the switch
> does usually default to> either> > broadcast or to crash. ;)  In the case of
> an IP conflict, however, there> > is a 1:1 mapping of MAC to IP, so the
> table won't be more full by having> x> > number of machines competing for
> the same IP.>> True enough... that post was pre-coffee. Please forgive.>>
> Shawn>> - --> Shawn Nock (OpenPGP: 0xB64200E1)> Unix Systems Group; CCIT>
> University of Arizona> nock at email.arizona.edu> -----BEGIN PGP
> SIGNATURE-----> Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)>>
> iD8DBQFFy2tQbbRzLz6id34RApAtAJ9vpwdKuJWFKvNfdgQlTh/6peHBKACfWTVE>
> uRc/CbVhsG9/IvKqOXer2Mg=> =jm6z> -----END PGP SIGNATURE----->>
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