[Tfug] Cheap Memory

Bowie J. Poag bpoag at comcast.net
Mon Dec 17 20:32:57 MST 2007

Duah. And I mispelled "virtual".

I work with AIX all day. Really.

Bowie J. Poag wrote:
> It happened today.
> I was reading some message board, where someone actually said "It only 
> has 1GB of RAM."
> Thats a sad, sad statement when you think about it. Just how horribly 
> bloated an simple desktop-centric operating system has to be to not 
> manage or utilize such a resource correctly.
> Not to get Paul started on the elegance of OS/2, but, I can recall not 
> too long ago seeing my mid 1990's Amiga absolutely fly on 4MB RAM.  
> Thats 1/512th the memory.. With no such thing as virtural memory, it 
> forced application writers to create healthy, relatively fat-free code. 
> Now, the only qualifying factor is "does it run?"
> Sad.
> Cheers,
> Bowie

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