[Tfug] FTGH: APC Back-UPS Pro 650

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 18 11:12:45 MST 2007

--- Terence Rudkin <trudkin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 4/17/07, Bexley Hall <bexley401 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > This is a smallish UPS (650).  Battery is now
> depleted
> > and I don't feel like investing in a new one ($25)
> > since the UPS is a bit small for my needs.  It
> works,
> > otherwise.
> FYI APC gives $35 for any  UPS  when a new UPS of
> same size or lager is
> bought, and they pay the shipping.

I haven't been very happy with APC products -- though,
to be fair, I have only used their smaller (< 1KVA)
UPS's (which are quite obviously designed to pinch
pennies!).  They don't seem to know how to "float"
the battery properly and end up drying out the
electrolyte, etc.  (i.e. premature battery death)

I don't think I would want to gamble on buying a
*set* of replacement batteries for a larger UPS
if it had the same "problem"...


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