[Tfug] trinary data!

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 26 23:57:39 MST 2006

> > "There are two kinds of people:
> > - those who think there are two kinds of people
> > - those that don't"
> The people who don't believe there are two kinds of
> people must also deny the existence of anyone else
> who does.  Otherwise, their logic would be 
> inconsistent.  If somehow you managed to convince
> these people that you sincerely believe that their
> are two kinds of people, then logically they would
> also have to accept there are two kinds of people.
> But then everyone would believe that there are two
> kinds of people, and the argument fails.  It's a
> paradox!

"This statement is false"  ;-)

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