[Tfug] SCSI Source

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 20 08:52:46 MST 2006


--- Don Freeman <DFreeman at pagnet.org> wrote:

> Does UA have a "store" or warehouse where you can ck
> out this stuff? 

Late in the day (e.g., 4PM?) on the Friday before the
auction (on the following Tuesday), they make the
upcoming items available for inspection -- both
on-line and in-person (though I think the building
is actually *closed* at that point so it's silly!)

Effectively, you can view on-line beginning that
Friday *and/or* in-person on the following Monday.
You can also participate in the auction in-person
or "over-the-internet" -- though you must have
previously "registered" to do so.

Be advised that the quality of the items varies
*immensely* -- "caveat emptor".  (e.g., *never*
buy a monitor from them without testing it first!)
Also, *think* about what you are buying as the
onus is on *you* to assume ALL responsibility
for the item you purchase -- and it's lawful
disposition (e.g., if you buy a pallet of chem lab
equipment, who *knows* what that stuff was used for

> https://uaauctions.arizona.edu/

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Good luck!

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