[Tfug] Server purchase (!)

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 12 20:41:53 MST 2006

--- Claude Rubinson <rubinson at u.arizona.edu> wrote:

> Ahh... This is the type of information that I
> needed.  Helps me to make a more informed
> cost/benefit analysis.  Thanks a lot!

Ask yourself:  "What would I do if this
machine/disk/etc. *died*?"

Would you p*ss and moan and just "deal with it"?
Or, would you fall to your knees and cry out,
"Why *me*?  Why?  Why?  Why???" in despair?  :>

The former suggests you cut your costs and buy
just enough to do the job that you want.  If you
can find *two* machines for dirt-cheap, put the
spare in a closet and hope for the best.

OTOH, the latter suggests you have a lot invested
in the machine's operation.  You would probably
do routine backups to ensure potential for data
lossage is minimized, etc.

My archives fall into the latter case.  They are
quite literally "irreplaceable" and represent a
con$iderable financial inve$tment.  :>

OTOH, my Windows machine is rarely backed up as
the things on it are "worth very little" (i.e. 
other than the purchased software -- which I can
always reinstall -- anything that I *prepare* on
that machine is quickly moved to other machines
that are considered more robust).


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