[Tfug] webcam question

Nick Lopez i.am at the.glowingmonkey.org
Thu Oct 12 10:50:41 MST 2006

On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 09:44:58PM -0700, Shawn Nock wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Joshua Bernstein wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > 	I've had surprisingly good luck using my iSight in Linux actually.  
> > Because its a firewire camera you just have to make sure your  
> > firewire interface is up and running. If you're firewire is working  
> > correctly, you should be able to use it as a generic frame grabber. I  
> > think though the price of the camera is still $149 so its still  
> > pricey. The quality is amazing though, and I didn't mind spending the  
> > money on it because it works perfectly on my Mac. Still with cameras  
> > built into todays Macs maybe you could find one cheaper. 
> Newer iSights built into mactel machines are USB... FYI (I don't know
> about the newer standalone models. For reference:
  The new iSights are supported by the usb-video-class driver (uvc), just
like some of the newer quickcams.  It only took them 10 years to finally
come up with and use a standard for sending 320x240 24bit images over USB 30
times a second.
  - Nick Lopez
    spamtrap at glowingmonkey.org

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