[Tfug] Community server

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 6 17:56:19 MST 2006

Hi Glen,

Thanks, I'll take a look.  If I decide to go with them I'll let them know You referred me.

Thanks again,

Glen Pfeiffer <glen_ap at yahoo.com> wrote: --- keith smith  wrote:
> I am wondering if anyone on the list has something like this but with
> a little more such as a real control panel or stats that run more
> regularly.
> I would pay more for more.

It isn't a community server, but I have been very happy with Dreamhost
(www.dreamhost.com). They have had some network problems lately which
did not affect me, but did many others. However they claim to have
resolved them.

I pay 9.99/month for:

*Excellent control panel (configure practically everything)
*5 fully hosted domains
*Unlimited sub domains
*Unlimited MySql databases
*Shell access
*Unlimited users
*Lots of space
*Lots of bandwidth
*and lots more

And they use Debian GNU/Linux! :-)

I have never referred anyone before, but they also give referral
credits. If you sign up, will you say I referred you? Just enter my
email (glen_ap at yahoo.com) when it asks.


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