[Tfug] Technical harassment, or "Computer knowledge is more important than anything else in the world."

Ammon Lauritzen ammon at simud.org
Tue Feb 28 10:37:36 MST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Chris Niswander wrote:
| There are millions of people with better things to do than to
| learn to really understand computers.


No. There are not. Well, if you remove the 'really' from the sentence,
there aren't.

Ever since I was about, oh... 8 years old, I have always equated the
ability to perform simple tasks with a computer with basic (insert
written language of choice) literacy.

For anyone who is not actually developing software or hacking kernels or
using highly specialized programs and doing other arcane and technical
things, the simple rule of "read the bloody screen" should actually
resolve most problems that people run into...

The list's violent reaction to the incessant "please unsubscribe me"
messages is just that, a reaction to an incessant problem. People often
don't realize that not everyone's been subscribed to the list since the
dawn of time ;)

It's not right, but your criticism isn't going to stop it from happening
each and every time this comes up :P

- --
Ammon Lauritzen
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