[Tfug] Holiday shopping list ;-)

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 16 15:37:46 MST 2006


I'm looking for a few old-ish pieces of Sun kit.
I am trying to get all of my assorted tape drives
into cases and out of the garage while the weather
is still cool (tape drives don't like being stored
in hot places!  :< )

In particular, I need 611T cases (T=Tape vs. D=Disk)
and 622 (?) cases (these are 611 cases on steroids...
hold extended length, full height, 5" drive -- as
in a DLT, etc.).

I'm also looking for some SBUS wide LVD/SE cards.  I
have several wide HVD but short on the LVD variety.
(I just need two).

I'd also welcome some of the *short* (e.g., 1 ft),
wide SCSI cables to daisy chain the cases together.

And, a drive sled/mounting plate for a U5.  Else
the U5 will probably be posted here as a "FTGH"...

Yeah, I know it's all wishful thinking but perhaps
someone upgrading from "antique status" to something
made in the past decade or so   :>

Alternatively, any pointers to sources for this
sort of stuff would be appreciated!


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