[Tfug] WANTED: Experienced Unix Admin (Job)

John Gruenenfelder johng at as.arizona.edu
Tue Aug 8 20:40:56 MST 2006

On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 08:28:39PM -0700, Judd Pickell wrote:
>well someone did.. ie: Experience in one or more shell languages (e.g.,
>bash, csh), Perl,
>PHP, C and/or Java.

As in math, I think some extra parentheses will help clear this up.  :)

Experience in (one or more shell languages (e.g., bash, csh)), (Perl), (PHP),
(C), and/or (Java).

--John Gruenenfelder    Research Assistant, UMass Amherst student
                        Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
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